Okay so the title of this blog post is a bit of mouthful but this is a job role I see popping up more and more often. Companies are hiring internal specialists to help them host events, communicate with their staff and just generally project a positive image of the company. So what is internal brand advocacy and why should you care?

Internal brand advocacy- which I will thereafter refer to as internal branding because that term is much more shorter- involves coming up with ways to boost your company’s brand. You bring in specialists or hire a team internally to create a more positive work environment. Some tactics of internal branding include internal events, incentives, themed days and so much more.
But why should you care about this? You’re running a business not an entertainment center. Internal branding brings a large number benefits to your company- especially when it comes to hiring and retaining talent. Internal branding helps your current employees form a more positive view of your business. This means that you will have less staff leaving (yay lower retentions and hiring costs) and more skilled employees would want to join your business.
Some of the other benefits of building an internal brand include:
A Better Brand
You know how word-of-mouth Marketing is one of the best things a company can have? Building an internal brand means your employees will project a positive image of your company to customers, investors and even potential new businesses. In turn this will boost your company’s brand image.
Increased Employee Engagement:
Engaged employees are more committed, productive, and likely to stay with the company through difficult times. Which then brings me to
Crisis Management:
Having internal employees who can advocate for your business helps to manage damage to your brand. In the case of downsizing or other unpleasant business activities, these employees can help provide a balance perspective of what is going on and serve as a voice for the company. I worked for a company with such strong brand advocacy that even after I left, I had people chatting to me about a crisis that was going on with the brand.
Recruitment and Talent Attraction:
A strong internal brand advocacy program can attract top talent. Potential hires are more likely to choose a company where employees are passionate about their work and the organization’s mission. Happy workers are helpful workers.
What are your thoughts on internal brand building? Let me know below.